Investigation into Alleged Dumping of Steel Reinforcing Bar
Dear Customers,
We would like to draw your attention to the publication of Anti-Dumping notice 2014/100 being Initiation of an Investigation into Alleged Dumping of Steel Reinforcing Bar Exported from the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of Turkey.
As mentioned in the notice the goods the subject of this application are: “Hot-rolled deformed steel reinforcing bar whether or not in coil form, commonly identified as rebar or debar, in various diameters up to and including 50 millimetres, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process. The goods covered by this application include all steel reinforcing bar meeting the above description of the goods regardless of the particular grade or alloy content or coating. Goods excluded from this application are plain round bar, stainless steel and reinforcing mesh.”
The goods are currently classified to the following tariff subheadings in Schedule 3 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995:
• tariff subheading 7214.20.00 with statistical code 47;
• tariff subheading 7228.30.90 with statistical code 49;
• tariff subheading 7213.10.00 with statistical code 42; and
• tariff subheading 7227.90.90 with statistical code 42.
These goods, if imported from Spain under these tariff subheadings, are subject to a general rate of duty of 5%; and the goods imported from Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey are subject to a “free” rate of duty.
Interested parties, as defined by subsection 269T(1) of the Act, are invited to lodge submissions concerning the publication of the dumping duty notice sought in the application, by no later than the close of business on 26 November 2014, addressed to:
The Director
Operations 3
Anti-Dumping Commission
1010 La Trobe Street
Or by email or by fax to +61 3 9244 8902.