Dear Valued Client,
We have received notification announcing the 100% increase in the notification fee for MCS Cooks River Empty container depot (MCS) from 16th September 2019.
QUBE Holdings recently acquired MCS with the approval of the ACCC and with this purchase, we find this exorbitant increase in fees with a minimal notice period.
Transport Operators cannot sustain these continuing increasing notification fees when the inadequate system available now for de-hire of empties creates so many other costs in that;
- We must book and pay for timeslots to use within a limited window of time
- The slots can be cancelled with minimal notice by the empty yard and the carrier is re-directed
- We are charged penalties if we are held up through no fault of our own, and ofter because the driver is in a rant unable to gain entry to the container yard due to congestion.
- Our resources are fully extended in such ways as transporting the containers back to our yard, lifting them off and redelivering them so that timeslots can be managed and penalities avoided.
At the port, we are covered under Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) where penalties are incurred if the regulations are not adhered to and any increases to charges must be preapproved.
There are no regulations to the empty yards, however, they charge penalties which cannot be reciprocated. We feel that if this increase is left unrestrained then the other empty yards will follow suit.
Unfortunately, if your empty container must be returned to MCS, we will have no alternative than to pass on this cost to you.
Kind Regards,
SILA Global Pty Ltd