DP World Landside Fee Increases
2024 Landside Fee Increases
Kindly find below notice from DP World Australia (DPLWA) regarding Landside Fee Increases from 1st January 2024.
In accordance with the National Voluntary Guidelines (NVG) DPWA are providing the industry with notice of intent to change landside pricing effective from 1 January 2024 in accordance with the Attachments and give 60 days’ notice of the pending changes.
DPWA forecasts more than $600 m in capital expenditure across 2023 – 2026 will be required across our four terminals to invest in key equipment, civil expansion works and other equipment to cater for greater landside demand going forward. These investments are required to ensure we continue to deliver the landside service levels required by the industry.
Other Capex spend:
• Maintenance and expansionary pavements work at all terminal locations.
• IT infrastructure and system upgrades at all terminal locations
DPWA is committed to the intentions of the National Voluntary Guidelines, inclusive of the review and notification of landside service charges. We are making changes to our processes across jurisdictions to provide industry and government with a consistent approach where possible.
As a valued industry participant DPWA welcomes your feedback which can be provided to NSW.landsidefeedback@dpworld.com.au. Feedback received prior to Friday 24 November 2023, will be consolidated, and responded to. Final notice will be published on the DPWA Customer Portal by 1 January 2024.
2024 Weight Mis-Declaration Fee
Additionally, DPWLA have released an update on the introduction of their Weight Mis-Declaration Fee which will come into effect in the first half of 2024.
Following on from the introduction of a calibrated weighing device (Pondus) in Melbourne, DPWA Sydney & DPWA Fremantle customers are advised that the “Weight Mis-Declaration Fee for Import Cargo (PONDUS)” is expected to be implemented in Sydney & Fremantle in the first half of 2024 (date to be confirmed).
DPWA Sydney & DPWA Fremantle will provide 30 days’ notice prior the date of implementation.
The introduction of this Fee is to mitigate the safety hazards associated with mis-declared containers throughout the supply chain network.
Import Cargo will be statistically sampled and weighted on the Pondus stand. A fee will be applied on unit having an absolute weight variance greater than one metric tonne compared to declared weight. This fee will be charged to the transport operator. Containers that record an absolute weight variance of less than one metric tonne, will not incur the fee.
CTAA Notice Re: DPWLA Landside Fee Increases
- Terminal Access Charge (TAC): Full Exports – a whopping 52.52% increase in Melbourne; 38.80% increase in Sydney; 37.50% in Brisbane.
- Terminal Access Charge (TAC): Full Imports – 26.18% increase in Brisbane; 25.49% in Sydney; 21.22% in Melbourne.
In contrast in Fremantle where the WA Government still owns Fremantle Ports, and landside fee increase percentages have been capped in terminal leases, the Terminal Access Charges (TACs) for full imports and full exports will only rise by 5%.
Vehicle Booking System (VBS) and ancillary charges are increasing by various amounts too, including:
- VBS Slot Fees and full Stack Run Fees (per slot) increasing by 49.74% in Fremantle (as a charge outside of the capped fee agreement in the Fremantle terminal lease) and by 35.65% in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane.
- Energy Charge (per export and import unit) rising by 13.96%
- Vehicle Misdeclaration Fee increase by 23.33%
- Various other charges increasing by percentages between 7.51% to 9.45% – all above CPI.
Read the full notice HERE
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership and should you have any questions or concerns, kindly reach out to our dedicated team!
SILA Imports – imports@sila.net.au
SILA Exports – exports@sila.net.au
SILA Sales – sales@sila.net.au
T: (+61) 07 3908 1690
SILA Global Pty Ltd