Industry News 26/07/19
Welcome to the most recent edition of SILA Global Industry News
Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)
Notice has been received that DAWR has finalised the seasonal measures for the 2019-20 BMSB risk season.
For the 2019-20 BMSB risk season, measures will apply to:
- certain goods manufactured in, or shipped from target risk countries, and/or
- vessels that berth at, load or tranship from target risk countries
from 1 September 2019 and that arrive in Australian territory by 31 May 2020 (inclusive)
All relevant updates and information can be found on the Departments BMSB page found at
Transparency in the supply chain
SV3 provides a shared view of the logistics life cycle which helps build trust between us and our valued clients. Transparency is key to an efficient and trusted supply chain. To read more about our range of SV3 products that provide transparency to the supply chain head to
Safety in the Supply Chain
Supply chains can be very complex and extend far beyond Australia’s borders so there are challenging, but crucial, workplace health and safety obligations associated with the operation of supply chains.
Moving a product or service from supplier to customer often involves a complex web of organisations, people, information and resources so It’s important that all networks involved within a supply chain understand each other’s businesses and work together to help improve the health and safety of workers throughout the chain.
Read our blog post about safety in the supply chain here
SILA Global Services
Freight forwarding is just one of the many international services we offer at SILA Global. Our diverse commodity base includes cotton, hay, aluminium, foodstuff, electronics and more. Head to our website for a free quote
Wishing you a logistically perfect weekend ?
Important Information Regarding 2019/2020 Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season
Good Day All,
We highly encourage all to take note of the following information.
Notice has been received that DAWR has finalised the seasonal measures for the 2019-20 BMSB risk season.
For the 2019-20 BMSB risk season, measures will apply to:
- certain goods manufactured in, or shipped from target risk countries, and/or
- vessels that berth at, load or tranship from target risk countries
from 1 September 2019 and that arrive in Australian territory by 31 May 2020 (inclusive)
All relevant updates and information can be found on the Departments BMSB page found here and we highly encourage reading the info.
Target Risk Countries have been expanded to 22 countries for the incoming season which should be noted by clients of being subject to BSMB Seasonal Measures, a list of Target Risk Countries can be found here. Please note types of target Risk goods and target High Risk goods are listed on the departments page which covers a wide range of articles.
The information on this page will allow you to understand what goods require mandatory treatment prior to or upon arrival in Australia. We do encourage treatment to be conducted prior to departure in order to assist in decreasing the risk of your goods being held for a prolonged amount of time in AU which dramatically increases the risk of detention and other additional costs.
If goods are being shipped which fall under BMSB Seasonal measures we highly recommend seeking the maximum allowable detention free time available as last year’s BSMB season saw backlogs at DAWR approved depots in waiting for officers to inspect goods, delays in unpacks and also extremely high demand for Fumigations - we do encourage anything that can be done prior to shipping including extended free time requests be done.
We are always here to assist and if you would like to discuss BSMB Seasonal Measures in further detail or understand further how it may impact your business please do not hesitate to contact our Customs Brokers;
Ben Simpson -
Simon Pepper –
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service
Safety is a Top Priority Throughout the Supply Chain
Supply chains can be very complex and extend far beyond Australia's borders so there are challenging, but crucial, workplace health and safety obligations associated with the operation of supply chains.
Moving a product or service from supplier to customer often involves a complex web of organisations, people, information and resources so It’s important that all networks involved within a supply chain understand each other's businesses and work together to help improve the health and safety of workers throughout the chain.
Sadly, there’s a high rate of workplace health and safety incidents in the transport and logistics industry, and there are numerous risks involved with managing fleets of vehicles, operating machinery, and working with dangerous substances, so it’s imperative we take all precautions to protect the health and safety of our workers.
This means not only evaluating our own health and safety metrics but also those of our suppliers and partners. We need to ensure they abide by the same worker safety standards as we do because any breaches along the supply chain will have flow-on consequences impacting on both our team and our clients.
Assessing workplace health and safety across national boundaries is challenging due to the different compliance requirements facing different international organisations along the supply chain. Under the Australian Workplace Health and Safety Act, businesses are required to look for situations that could cause harm or damage and do something to prevent incidents from happening, but at this stage, workplace conditions of overseas suppliers are not covered by the Act.
Consequently, we need to work with our partners to implement change if they need to improve their safety standards. While it can be costly to ensure best practice across the entire supply chain, it would be more costly to deal with the repercussions of an accident.
In addition to monitoring safe conditions for workers, we also need to monitor the machinery that our suppliers operate to ensure it’s safe. According to Safe Work Australia, many work-place related injuries and fatalities are often associated with the unsafe design of machinery so again, implementing an effective machinery safety program is less expensive than injuries.
We also work with hazardous chemicals which is a whole new ballgame in terms of safety precautions, and one we’ll delve deeper into in an upcoming blog.
Each piece of the supply chain has its own unique set of risks, from human rights issues to machinery hazards, and needs its own set of health and safety requirements, but being compliant doesn’t cost more … it will save you!
A safe supply chain doesn’t just mean keeping your people (and the public) safe! Safety and security go hand in hand with efficiency and profitability and a safe supply chain is also an agile and resilient one.
Companies face many risks ifs they fail to provide a safe supply chain. If they mistreat or overwork employees or operate with unsafe practices or machinery they could face labour shortages that dIsrupt production, not to mention generate bad press and irreparable damage to their brand.
To us here at SILA Global, it’s good business to have a good work health and safety record. We’re committed to safe work practices and adhere to industry guidelines in relation to the Chain of Responsibility. Here’s just some of the steps we take to ensure we're compliant with health and safety regulations.
Risk Assessment - Assessing what might cause harm and ascertaining if we’re doing enough to prevent that harm. This is continually updated as we change equipment or procedures, or work with new substances.
Prepare a Health & Safety Policy - This policy details how we manage health and safety within our business and who within our team is responsible for what, and when.
Assess First Aid Requirements - We maintain a fully stocked first aid kit and an appointed person takes charge of first aid requirements and provides relevant information to staff.
Report Incidents and Illness - We keep a record of any workplace injuries so we can identify any patterns that may help better assess and manage risks in the future.
Staff training and communication - We keep our team fully informed on any hazards or risks they face, what measures are in place to deal with them, and what the emergency procedures are. In a business such as ours, ongoing training is also required for equipment and substance handling.
Our new technology offering, SV3, is helping us across all areas of our business, including ensuring we have all the systems and processes in place to keep our people safe, and if something does go awry, counter any incidents with an immediate response.
To learn more about SV3 head to our website or get in touch with our friendly teams in Australia or New Zealand:
Phone +61 7 3908 1690
New Zealand
Phone +64 9 390 7942
MUA announce 48 hour stoppage at DP World Port Botany
Who does this notice affect?
Exporters, importers, freight forwarders, customs brokers and transport operators
MUA announce 48 hour stoppage at DP World Port Botany
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have received the following advice from DP World Australia:
DP World Sydney has received notification from the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) of ongoing Protected Industrial Action (PIA).
A 48HR Stoppage will commence this Thursday 18th July at 0600.
Terminal Operations will cease as per below:
Last time zone 0500 Thursday 18/07/19
Gates will close 0600 Thursday 18/07 Sharp
Terminal will commence operations Saturday 20/07/19 at 0600
Vessel Receivals & LFD's will be updated to 1-Stop to reflect the 48hr stoppage.
The situation is evolving and we will continue to provide updates to members as they emerge.
Industry News 12/7/19
Welcome to our Weekly Industry News.
- This week we are shining a spotlight on Supply Chain Obstacles. With various major factors in the supply chain out of our control, like unstable international trade relationships and catastrophic weather events, it’s absolutely imperative that we have an efficient rapid response on the ready. Read more here:
- Hazardous shipments don't need to cause a headache! We're incredibly proud of our expert team that handles dangerous goods. There are many risks associated with hazardous chemicals but our team implements the necessary control measures to keep themselves and those around them safe.
- The effective management of information is instrumental in becoming more efficient across all operations and delivering better results for your business. Find out how SV3 can help streamline processes by contacting our Sales team at
Wishing you a logistically perfect weekend!
Biosecurity Import Levy - background and current status
Who does this notice affect?
Importers, freight forwarders, customs brokers, stevedores, shipping lines, airlines, express couriers, e-commerce providers and Cargo Terminal Operators.
Biosecurity Import Levy
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) members have understandably been seeking updates on the proposed Biosecurity Import Levy.
While we are unfortunately not in a position to provide definitive answers, we trust that the following provides useful background and the current status of this new tax.
As members will recall, the Biosecurity Import Levy was announced in the 2018 Federal Budget with an aim to collect $325 over 3 years from a commencement date of 1 July 2019.
Since that time there has been significant controversy surrounding the implementation of the levy, ultimately leading to the former Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources announcing the formation of the Biosecurity Levy Steering Committee tasked with recommending the possible scope and design for a levy.
As outlined in previous member notices, I was privileged to be appointed by the Minister to participate with eight other industry representatives in the committee led by an independent chair (Mr David Trebeck) and supported by Pegasus Economics – refer HERE.
To allow the steering committee adequate time to report and as outlined in the last Federal Budget, the government announced a new proposed date of 1 September 2019 and a relatively small loss of revenue associated with this deferred commencement.
Current Status
In line with the Steering Committee's responsibilities, a final report was provided to government on 31 May 2019.
There was an overwhelming and consistent message from industry (Steering Committee members AND respondents to our discussion paper) to move away from the models originally proposed by the Department of Agriculture to a simple administrative collection model against the Full Import Declaration (FID) receipt.
We understand that the quantum and collection mechanism remains subject to a cabinet discussion/decision.
Legislation will be required to support this tax measure (please note the levy is NOT a cost recovery mechanism). This entails legislative drafting (which we assume has commenced) and Parliamentary debate, including the potential of a Senate inquiry.
Assuming the government adopts the Steering Committee's recommendations, the Department of Home Affairs will be required to make the necessary changes to the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). Our extensive experience over many years has been that ICS enhancements take considerable time to implement.
FTA is in regular contact with the Minister's office, emphasising the need for predictability in fees and timing of implementation to accurately forecast landed costs. Feedback to date is that the matters raised are under active consideration and that the government is keen to be able to report more specifically as soon as possible.
While 1 September 2019 remains the target date for implementation, the above factors may have an adverse affect on achieving this outcome.
FTA has scheduled a meeting with the Minister's office in Canberra on 31 July 2019 and will report outcomes as they come to hand.
Further information on DPWA Protected Industrial Action
Who does this notice affect?
Exporters, importers, freight forwarders, customs brokers and transport operators.
Further information on DPWA Protected Industrial Action
Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have received the following operational update from DP World Australia.
Travis Brooks-Garrett - FTA / APSA
Protected Industrial Action update
DP World Australia (DPWA) has received Protected Industrial Action notices from the CFMMEU for each of our terminals next week.
Terminal operations at each location will cease for a period of 48 hours. The dates and times for each terminal stoppage is detailed at the bottom of this communication.
The Customer Centre and Operations Teams remain committed to mitigating the impact of service disruption. We will continue to provide you with regular updates.
Thank you for your patience, and please do not hesitate to contact DPWA's Customer Centre Team should you have any questions.
Phone: +612 9394 0131
The DP World Australia team
Planned stoppages as at Friday 5 July
Monday 8 July 2019
BRISBANE: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period
Wednesday 10 July 2019
MELBOURNE: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period
Thursday 11 July 2019
FREMANTLE: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period
SYDNEY: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period
Industry News 5/7/19
Welcome to the first SILA Global Industry News
Here we will be giving you an update on logistics industry news, in addition to updates on what we are doing here at SILA Global.
* Robot vessels (that's ships without a crew) could get the green light in the future. This would see the biggest shift in maritime transport since diesel engines replaced steam. See what the Wall Street Journal said about it recently
* IOT (Internet of Things) is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects). It's revolutionising the transportation industry, and we’re here for it. Check out our suite of SV3 products that are transforming the way we do business. Check out our New Technology on our website:
*Check out SILA in Australian Steel News July 2019 Newsletter (click on July newsletter)
*“To stay ahead of the curve, you need to embrace change and digitisation, rather than accepting the status quo. The team at SILA is great at what we do, but SV3 has made us even better and allowed us to focus more on our customers.” -Darren Dumbleton, SILA Global Director - Chairman.
For more info on what SILA can do for you - let the SILA man help!
National Update - DP World Australia Industrial Action
Dear Valued Clients,
Further to our previous notice outlining operational implications (including rail) at Port Botany, we have received the following details from DP World Australia outlining broader national implications associated with the ongoing industrial action.
Ongoing Protected Industrial action at DP World Australia
Since the CFMMEU commenced Protected Industrial Action (PIA) at DP World Australia (DPWA) terminals on 19 March, we have struggled to secure sufficient labour and skills required to meet the needs of our customers.
We are cognisant that the ongoing bans and stoppages continue to impact our shipping line customers and supply chain partners.
We can confirm that we are in regular contact with all stevedore operators to secure any and all available capacity at their terminals across the four ports. We also continue to explore options to change vessel rotations and the elimination of port calls.
As you are aware the operating environment changes regularly, often multiple times a day. The team at DPWA continue to work tirelessly to manage what is an extremely fluid environment and provide plans for vessels calling at our terminals.
Below are the upcoming dates we have received notice for PIA:
Monday 1 April 2019
• 2 hours from 1200 - 1400
• 2 hours from 2000 - 2200
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.
Tuesday 2 April 2019
• 2 hours from 0400 - 0600
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.
• 8 hours from 0700 - 1500
Vessel operations and road operations to the Old Terminal are affected. Road operations to the automated modules will continue as normal.
Thursday 4 April 2019
• 24 hours from 0600 - 0600 Friday 5 April
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.
Friday 5 April 2019
• 24 hours from 0700 - 0700 Saturday 6 April
Vessel operations and road operations to the Old Terminal are affected. Road operations to the automated modules will continue as normal.
• 8 hours from 1400 - 2200
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.
Wednesday 10 April 2019
• 24 hours from 0600 - 0600 Thursday 11 April
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.
Wednesday 1 May 2019
• 24 hours from 0600 - 0600 Thursday 2 May
All terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.We will continue to update of any further stoppages that may develop.
Kind Regards,
SILA Customer Service
Major Escalation of Industrial Action
Dear Valued Clients,
In a major escalation of the DP World Australia and Maritime Union of Australia MUA) Enterprise Agreement dispute, the MUA has given DP World Notice of Intention to take Protected Industrial Action at Port Botany including 24 hour stoppages on 4 April 2019, 10 April 2019 and 1 May 2019.
1 April: Stoppage from 1200 to 1400
1 April: Stoppage from 2000 to 2200
2 April: Stoppage from 0400-0600
4 April : 24 Hour Stoppage, No slots from 0500
10 April: 24 Hour Stoppage, No slots from 0500
1 May: 24 Hour Stoppage, No slots from 0500
Rail events
Rail continues to be particularly affected by the dispute, with DPWA forced to close rail operations from 2pm today Friday 29 March and re-opening 6am Monday 1 April. Major regional exporters and other rail users continue to suffer as a result of these delays, with significant cost and operational impacts.
We will continue to update of any further stoppages that may develop.
Kind Regards,
SILA Customer Service