Amended Infrastructure Access Charge at Port Botany (DP World – Sydney) – 1st January 2019
Dear Valued Client,
Please be advised that DP World Australia will be increasing the Infrastructure Access Charge at their Port Botany Terminal (Sydney) for road and rail operators, and will also be adjusting a number of ancillary charges.
The infrastructure access charge will be $69.80 per container (exclusive of GST) and will apply to all full containers received or delivered via road at Port Botany Terminal. Full containers received or delivered via road will be charged to the road carrier through the 1-Stop Vehicle Booking System.
In addition, a number of Container Terminal Ancillary Charges that will apply at Port Botany Terminal will be adjusted from 1 January 2019. These include:
- VBS Administration Fee – electronic
- Stack Run In & Out Fee
- Direct Return of Empty Booking Fee
DP World Australia recognises the importance of working closely with operators as part of implementing new or increased charges. Ongoing access to Port Botany Terminal will be conditional on payment of the charges as per DP World’s conditions.
Kind Regards,
SILA Customer Service