Hello All,
As you will all be aware the NZ government has advised in the next 48hrs NZ will be at Alert LVL 4.
The team at SILA Global are preparing for the challenge faced by our customers, suppliers and partners during these uncertain times.
As our Business sector has been deemed as an essential business and we will carry on as per usual. We are taking measures to protect our staff and maintain our services.
We have been testing our emergency plans during the past few weeks and as of today we will implement these plans accordingly. These plans are based on the latest advice we have from the NZ Government.
Our office hours remain unchanged. We do have sanitation requirements for anyone dropping or collecting documentation. We are not accepting any visitors into our offices until further notice.
All staff are equipped with the tools and resources to conduct business. Our telephone, email and operating systems are functioning as per normal.
We are in regular contact with our suppliers. We understand that due to the unpredictability of this situation change can occur. Should there be a significant development with any of our suppliers, we will advise you as soon as possible.
We are in contact with all partners, who are working through their own COVID19 continuity plans, in accordance to their government requirements. Each country’s situation is evolving quickly.
We are dealing with a considerable amount of stakeholders and there is a lot of information circulating. Our goal is to keep our customers informed of matters affecting our business, our partners business and your business. We will do this to the best of our ability. If you have any specific needs please contact your SILA Global representative or our customer service team.
If you or your suppliers business is severely impacted due to COVID19, please communicate this to your SILA Global representative. Its important that we have an understanding of any impact to your shipping & logistics requirements.
We hope that you and your family stay healthy during this time.