SILA Email Changes Effective Monday 20th June
Good Afternoon,
SILA is currently undertaking a number of system improvements which we look forward to discussing, and their benefits, further with you in the near future. At this stage, in order to improve our email traffic, distribution and response times, we have created a few new email addresses in which to direct communications. Please note below accordingly and feel free to contact any of the SILA team should there be any questions at all.
• SILA Documents
This will become SILA’s main email address for new Import Documents and job bookings. We ask, as of Monday 20th June, if you can please begin to direct all new Documents and Job bookings here. Our admin and data entry dept will acknowledge receipt and log the bookings into SILA’s system before passing to our Operations team.
• SILA Imports
This will become our address for all IMPORT Cargo related follow up needs or inquiries. If you would like an invoice or POD copy, have an urgent delivery request, would like to check on the status of a shipment or any other request related to a shipment that has already been booked with SILA please email Imports and our team will reply back to you as soon as possible.
• SILA Exports
This will become our address for all EXPORT Cargo related follow up needs or inquiries. If you would like an invoice or B/L copy, pick up requests, have a new booking or any other request related to an export shipment please email Exports and our team will rely back to you as soon as possible.
• SILA Logistics
This address will remain active during our systems improvement process.
• SILA Sales
Please email any new quote requests you may have to this address.
• SILA Projects
Please email this address with any project cargo or charter shipping rate requests. SILA’s project capabilities can be viewed on our website here.
• SILA Accounts
Please email any remittance advice our payment inquiries here.