Newcastle Import Container Detention Free Days

Dear Valued Client,

As you may be aware, detention free time is inconsistent and can vary amongst each of the shipping lines. There have been many changes of late which are effectively impacting the free time which is being allocated to shipments.

Examples are explained below:

  • It’s becoming increasingly difficult to run a consistent and reliable rail service from Sydney to Carrington, Newcastle as there have been rail/track closures in Sydney & Newcastle for maintenance both scheduled and unscheduled.
  • Many shipping lines are now counting the first free day detention on the vessel’s ATA (Actual Time of Arrival) when in fact the container will not be made available at the wharf till up to 3 days later in some cases. This severely cuts into the free time granted leaving a larger risk of detention being incurred on the shipment.

We ask that with all bookings where final destination is Newcastle, ensure that you clearly request for at least 14-21 free days detention at port of destination to avoid any unnecessary detention. We will then request to have it applied with the shipping lines accordingly. The more free time granted on your shipment, the less likely any detention will be incurred.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any enquiries you may have.

Kind Regards

SILA Customer Team