Australian Border Force Goods Compliance Update for August 2018

To Our Valued Customer,

We wish to advise that the Australian Border Force have released the August 2018 Goods Compliance Update.
The update sets out Border Force Compliance priorities and focused areas of compliance. Asbestos remains a priority target for Border Force as well as some items of note contained within the document are;

“Transfer Pricing and Customs Valuation” report, detailing how Australian Border Force has looked at these transactions and found moving forward brokers will need to have evidence the relationship between the two parties has not influenced the price of the goods.

“Amendment to Singapore – Australia FTA” allowing easier access and usage of this often-underutilised Free Trade Agreement.  Now instead of obtaining a CoO issued by Singapore Customs an Exporter, Producer of Importer can now prepare a CoO which is now in line with more recent trade agreements (ie JAEPA). These entities will however will still need to complete the CoO in accordance with SAFTA requirements.

Should you wish to discuss any matters further please do not hesitate to contact SILA’s Customs Team.

Kind Regards

SILA Customer Service