How the new IoT (the Internet of Transportation) will Disrupt the World

Technology continues to change the way we do things, providing us with more practical methods to better solve complex problems and enable innovative new approaches. And there’s no stopping the rapid advancement across every area of our life. Just when you think technology has revolutionised most of our essential processes, it seems technological change is not done yet by any means. One area where technology is currently driving massive change is in the transport and logistics sector.

If we’re going to build smart cars and driverless vehicles, it makes sense that today’s infrastructure will simply cease to be adequate. With smart cars, we need smart roads, smart parking, smart public transport systems and more. Enter … Connected Transportation.

Connected Transportation for a modern world

The aim of connected transportation is to facilitate modern, connected, transportation systems that improve safety, mobility and efficiency both now and in the future. As cities get more congested there’s a need to optimise public transportation routes, create safer roads, reduce infrastructure costs, alleviate traffic congestion, and enable more timely emergency responses.

For businesses such as SILA Global, Connected Transportation means the efficient movement of goods with complete visibility across the supply chain. What we’ve achieved with the introduction of our industry-leading technology SV3, cities are now looking to achieve across their entire transport networks.

Startups in a range of global cities are working towards introducing platforms that will disrupt current methods of public and private transportation. They aim to utilise connected vehicles to gather valuable data on how drivers operate their cars, where they travel to, and then use this data to better plan roads and infrastructure. Notable dead spots, particularly in our cars, buses, trains, and ships sparked the need to better connect our vehicles. And, the internet of things is looking to achieve this and work toward keeping people connected at every moment of the day. Whether you are waiting for the subway, driving through an underground tunnel, or even 35,000 feet in the air, technology will keep us and our mode of transport constantly connected.

What to focus on, and how it will impact stakeholders
Obviously, this sounds great in theory, but for it to occur, governments will require both new technology architecture and physical infrastructure to help connected vehicles and transit systems share real-time data with each other and the surrounding environment. This is where different cities need to understand exactly what they need.

There are three key areas they will need to focus on to ensure a successful transition to the era of connected transportation – safety, mobility, and efficiency.

Cities are already using connected transportation to create a safer environment for citizens in numerous ways. For instance, roadside infrastructure notifies drivers if there are upcoming road hazards to ensure they’re prepared for what’s ahead, if the colour of a traffic signal is about to change, and to reduce speed when they’re entering a school zone or high-accident area. These measures are designed to reduce road fatalities and increase safety when travelling, and will only get more sophisticated in years to come via real-time phone connectivity. New technology that car manufacturers are working on will see drivers receive notifications and be alerted to dangerous situations such as someone about to run a red light, a car approaching that’s out of sight beyond a curve, or someone swerving into their lane to avoid an object on the road.

People love convenience and want a seamless mobility experience when it comes to planning and paying for their trips across different modes of transportation, and ideally, we want to do it all in one place. Whether we’re driving to the local store, or about to board an international flight, a simple all-in-one system that can personalise our journey with data-driven accuracy, and the ability to identify setbacks in advance, will be a winner. To make this possible, cities will need to merge the infrastructure assets from multiple modes of transport and integrate it on one platform.

Flow and efficiency are important to the individual, but also businesses. If we can use IoT to connect existing infrastructure to a much larger network with greater data-sharing capabilities, mass transit and logistics systems can monitor their fleets in real-time and make immediate adjustments as needed. This is why we created our SV3 system – to maintain visibility across all locations and modes of transport. It provides our customers with a web-based system that allows them to be part of the journey. Being ‘connected’ not only streamlines processes and enables visibility across the entire supply chain, but it also allows us to deal with disruptions as they occur.

The purpose of transforming private and public transportation is to ultimately improve safety, mobility, and operational efficiency. It is evident that the IoT has already commenced working on this and hopes to eventually alter the way we travel. Whether it’s across the country by plane or from home to work on a bus, the everyday consumer, along with various governments and global businesses will be impacted by this new phenomenon of connected transportation. Next stop, hover cars!

To learn more about SV3 head to our website or get in touch with our friendly teams in Australia or New Zealand:

Phone +61 7 3908 1690

New Zealand
Phone +64 9 390 7942