Industry News – 18 May 2022
CONTAINER DETENTION: Supplementary submission to the productivity Commission
Freight &Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have received extensive examples from members highlighting the unreasonable administration of container detention fees.
This has been used as evidence as a part of a supplementary submission to the Productivity Commission calling for regulation to end the blatant mis-use of this practice.
Read more here
CONTAINER DETENTION: Where does it end ?
Despite repeated requests to shipping lines for blanket extensions of container detention periods, all those that have responded state they will assess the quantum of fees payable on a case by case basis.
As members will recall, FTA/APSA continue to supply evidence of unreasonable practices to the Productivity Commission and are advocating for similar regulatory intervention that is currently taking place in the USA.
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CONTAINER DETENTION: ABC Radio interview with Paul Zalai
Thanks again to the ABC for this important coverage allowing 5 minutes of air-time to explain the implication of unreasonable practices enforced by many foreign owned shipping lines and the FTA/APSA advocacy for regulation.
Listen Here
FREMANTLE PORTS: Removal of Free Storage Days for Weekends and Public Holidays
Letter from Mark Pearce, General Manager Port Operations
Over recent years there has been a general increase in demand for common-user berth laydown areas, a trend that has increased since the onset of COVID-19. This demand is resulting in increased congestion, delays to vessel berthing and increased supply chain costs.
Fremantle Ports has been working with industry participants over recent months to remove bottlenecks and improve the overall supply chain efficiency. As an example, a five-day shipping shutdown was carried out for Berths 11 & 12 to enable a focus on clearing cargo. While these types of initiatives are proving valuable, there are occasions when berth laydown areas are being used for storage and distribution rather than efficient discharge of vessels.
In a bid to encourage better utilisation of laydown areas and reflect the 24/7 nature of port operations, effective 1 July 2022, the storage-free days on weekends and public holidays will be removed when they fall within the four free days.
This change is aimed at helping improve overall efficiency of the supply chain.
We will continue to review our rates and charges to ensure they are appropriate and drive the right behaviour and overall supply chain efficiency for the benefit of all port users.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
BRISBANE PORTS: Patrick Autostrad Terminal, Fisherman Islands Brisbane
Letter from Duane Engi, Operations Manager
Due to the recent weather conditions experienced throughout South East Queensland, restrictions in vessel movements at the Port of Brisbane are in place. As a result, the Patrick Fisherman Islands Terminal is nearing cargo capacity. Therefore, the Terminal has ceased the receivial of empty export cargo from 1500 on the 16th May 2022. In addition to this, selected vessel cargo receivial windows have been amended.
Read more here
DAWE: Conclusion of the 2021-22 Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) Risk Season
On 1 May 2022, the 2021-22 BMSB season ended.
Goods shipped or vessels departing from BMSB identified target risk countries on or after 1 May 2022, will no longer be subject to the BMSB seasonal measures including the Seasonal Pest Inspection (SPI) on arrival.
Target high risk goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that are shipped on board vessels between 1 September 2021 and 30 April 2022 are subject to BMSB measures on arrival, regardless of the arrival date.
Read full notice here
DAWE Import Industry Advice Notices 2022
Keep up to date with the latest DAWE import industry notices here
ABF Industry Notices 2022
Keep up to date with the latest ABF industry notices here
Australian Steel News – MAY 2022
SILA Global Internal Updates
SILA Global Updated Ancillary Tariff Location
As of June 2022, the Ancillary Tariff location will be available only through our SV3 portal here. If you do not have an SV3 user log in, please kindly reach out to to request your user log in details.
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