Patrick Update: Container Terminals’ Protected Industrial Action – Brisbane
Dear All,
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) have issued notice of intent to take Protected Industrial Action lasting 48 hours at Patricks Brisbane Autostrad Terminal, beginning next Tuesday April 19 at 07.00 am and ending 07.00am Thursday April 21. This latest notice is in addition to the protected action occurring this week at the Sydney Autostrad Terminal.
Below are details of those notified stoppages:
Sydney Autostrad Terminal
• 48-hour strike, beginning 06.00 hrs Wednesday April 13 to 06.00 hrs Friday April 15.
Brisbane Autostrad Terminal
• 48-hour strike, beginning 07.00 hrs Tuesday April 19 to 07.00 hrs Thursday April 21.
Please monitor your vessel cut off and availabilities closely during this period to avoid any delays and additional costs incurred.
If you have any questions or enquiries, please do not hesistate to contact the SILA Customer Service Team.
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service