SILA Festive Season Trading Hours
Dear All
Season’s Greetings from all at SI Logistics Australia Pty Ltd . We hope you have an enjoyable and restful festive season.
Please take note of the following trading hours and dates of when SILA will be closed during this festive season.
24/12/14 Open from 08h30 till 13h00
25/12/14 Closed – Public Holiday
26/12/14 Closed – Public Holiday
29/12/14 & 30/12/14 Open for normal business hours 08h30-17h00
31/12/14 Open from 08h30 till 13h00
01/01/15 Closed – Public Holiday
02/01/15 Re-open for business as usual
Emergency Contact person: Simon Pepper – 0450 665 812
We trust that 2014 has been a great year for you and hope that 2015 has even better prospects.
Kind regards
The SILA Team
Investigation into Alleged Dumping of Steel Reinforcing Bar
Dear Customers,
We would like to draw your attention to the publication of Anti-Dumping notice 2014/100 being Initiation of an Investigation into Alleged Dumping of Steel Reinforcing Bar Exported from the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of Turkey.
As mentioned in the notice the goods the subject of this application are: “Hot-rolled deformed steel reinforcing bar whether or not in coil form, commonly identified as rebar or debar, in various diameters up to and including 50 millimetres, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process. The goods covered by this application include all steel reinforcing bar meeting the above description of the goods regardless of the particular grade or alloy content or coating. Goods excluded from this application are plain round bar, stainless steel and reinforcing mesh.”
The goods are currently classified to the following tariff subheadings in Schedule 3 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995:
• tariff subheading 7214.20.00 with statistical code 47;
• tariff subheading 7228.30.90 with statistical code 49;
• tariff subheading 7213.10.00 with statistical code 42; and
• tariff subheading 7227.90.90 with statistical code 42.
These goods, if imported from Spain under these tariff subheadings, are subject to a general rate of duty of 5%; and the goods imported from Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey are subject to a “free” rate of duty.
Interested parties, as defined by subsection 269T(1) of the Act, are invited to lodge submissions concerning the publication of the dumping duty notice sought in the application, by no later than the close of business on 26 November 2014, addressed to:
The Director
Operations 3
Anti-Dumping Commission
1010 La Trobe Street
Or by email or by fax to +61 3 9244 8902.
Port Botany Closures - 15/10/14
Dear Clients, We wish to advise you on current Port Botany conditions.
The Sydney area was subject to extreme weather conditions overnight with gale force winds and heavy rain.
Terminal operations in Port Botany have been heavily impacted with quayline operations ceasing at 2030 last night and yard and gate operations at 2100. At this point operations have not resumed.
There has been significant damage in the yard with several container stacks blown over and two vessels alongside the terminal have parted their moorings.
We are currently assessing the damage to the terminal. Windy conditions are expected to continue this morning and the harbour authorities are considering ordering the two vessels out to sea until conditions improve.
At this point we terminal operations are due to resume at 1400hrs subject to conditions remaining stable.
SILA Customer Service
DP World: MUA Action in Australian East Coast Terminals
Dear Valued Customer,
Please note DP World has received notification from the Maritime Union of Australia of limited protected industrial action in the Australian east coast terminals in support of their Enterprise Agreement demands. Each port will lose 12 hours due to this action but it will be structured differently in each terminal.
This will affect Sydney on Wednesday October 1st with the following stoppages: 1000 – 1400 1800 - 2200 0200 - 0600 (Thursday)
Melbourne on Thursday October 2nd with the following stoppages: 1230 - 1630 2230 - 0630
Brisbane on Friday October 3rd with the following stoppage: 1100 - 2300
If you have any questions regarding above matter, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service
Department of Agriculture Industry Information Sessions
We wish to inform our clients of upcoming Department of Agriculture series of industry information sessions which will be held across Australia throughout October – November 2014. Of particular interest to some of our customers would be Session 2 - Illegal Logging Laws – New Due Diligence Requirements
For more information visit the Department of Agriculture website:
Container weights and Chain of Responsibility Update
Container weights and Chain of Responsibility Update
From early 2014, with push from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, East Coast Australia ports have been the target of vigorous surveillance by main roads and transport authorities with no slowdown in sight. In June 2012 the NSW Roads and Maritime Services, in conjunction with Sydney Ports Corporation, introduced the operation of Weigh In Motion weighbridges at both DP World and Patrick Container Terminals at Port Botany and most recently, in July 2014, DP World Terminal Brisbane introduced WIM in an effort to ensure compliance with local weight limits and operations. While these WIM facilities are mandatory upon exit from these terminals, main roads & transport authorities are still very active in road side stops and re-directions into weight station facilities of Operating Heavy Vehicles with all truck/trailer combinations checked and weighed for total mass and axle groupings which must comply within local legal weight limitations of that combination. At the Terminal based WIM where a vehicle is found to have exceeded its weight limit in total, or on any axle group by 0 – 20%, the container will be directed to an approved facility for reloading onto a more appropriate truck and trailer combination or it will be required for devanning by an approved facility. Where a vehicle is found to have a substantial breech of axle weight 20% or greater, the terminal operator may remove the container to a nominated inland facility for unpacking. In either case, additional charges would be applicable depending on the nature and severity of the breach which would be handled on a case by case basis. Road side stops and re-directions into weight station facilities face risk of on the spot fines for minor breaches and notices to appear in court for major breaches. Breaches are based on each axle grouping making it possible to receive multiple fines for the load depending on the truck & trailer . 6T 16.5T 20T BOGIE DRIVE UD & STANDARD GVM = 42.5T On average the rear Tri-Axle of a standard semitrailer combination is limited to 20t (16.5t in the case of tandem rear axle) therefore if cargo is not evenly distributed it’s possible the weight limitation of a grouping can be exceeded. We highly recommend that you become familiar with your obligations under the chain of responsibility legislation with further reading to be found here SILA, while having arrangements for an approved overweight facility, will not condone any breach of mass limits, the transport company and importer will be marked and monitored by the transport Authority for continual breaches of mass limits which can lead to desktop audits and further penalties. In order to meet the required mass limits, SILA recommend all customers follow the below limits and only apply to containers which have been directed to us for unpacking. • Safe working limit – 26,000kg GROSS per container (which includes goods and container tare weight) with cargo being evenly distributed. • Safe maximum limit – 26,999kgs GROSS However weight MUST be evenly distributed throughout container • Importers will be liable for all overweight infringements if weight are not evenly distributed and the vehicle is found to exceed mass limits Overweight Containers in which additional charges will apply • 26,999kg to 30,000kg GROSS • SILA may not legally carry over 30,000kg on any road combination. Containers over this weight are case by case and subject to special equipment and road permits Please note above refers to containers directed to a SILA facility for unpack. Companion vehicle charges will still be applicable for FCL deliveries to site by sideloader exceeding 23T Gross Weight Container Weight Declaration (CWD): Under the current National regulations all shipping containers moved by road must have a container weight declaration for the driver. Penalties can be issued to a driver if he is not in possession of a CWD, consignors and importers can also be fined for providing false or misleading information on a CWD. SILA cannot transport any containers on the road with which we do not have a CWD. Further Information on the requirements for a CWD can be found HERE . SILA has a pro-forma CWD available for clients use upon request, please send an email request to SILA Logistics
Customer Notice 27/8/2014 - Port Botany Container Terminal
Dear Valued Customer
Please note the industry is currently experiencing delays in the collection of import containers ex Port Botany Container Terminals due to large volumes arriving, mixed in with recent bad weather which is continuing today.
The bad weather is also delaying vessels into Port and this is also creating confusion regarding vessel availability as ETA’s are being pushed back daily.
We are working with operators and terminals trying to extract maximum numbers of containers per day in an attempt to maintain normality however the weather is also impacting on this plan. Unfortunately much of this is out of everyone’s control so weappreciate your understanding.
Please continue to communicate and highlight any urgent shipments with your SILA representative.
We would like to draw your attention to the below notification received from DP World Brisbane this morning.
Short Description: Hello All, Presently we are experiencing heavy delays at DP World Brisbane. We do not anticipate this to clear any time soon.
Please be patient. We thank you for your understanding. K Regards VBS
Priority: Urgent
Notification Date: 23/07/2014 00:00
Current for: 1 Day(s)
Regards, Nicole Rosman DP WORLD PORTS DP WORLD Brisbane
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service
Investigation into Alleged Dumping from India and Vietnam Initiation of Galvanised Steel
We wish to bring to your attention that today the Anti-Dumping Commission has announced the initiation of an investigation into Alleged Dumping ex India and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam of Galvanised Steel.
Please see the following link for further information
Please also note interested parties, as defined by subsection 269T(1) of the Act, are invited to lodge submissions concerning the publication of the dumping duty notice sought in the application, no later than the close of business on 20 August 2014. Further details can be found within the Anti-Dumping Notice. click this for further:
DP World Australia: Chain of Responsibility Legislation
Introduction of Weigh In Motion Fees in Brisbane & Chain of Responsibility.
Dear Valued Clients,
To comply with the Chain of Responsibility Legislation DP World has installed Weigh In Motion measurement devices at the exit gates of its Fisherman Island Terminal.
In line with the duty of care requirements prescribed under the legislation loaded vehicles leaving the terminal will be weighed to ensure that vehicle mass and axle loads do not exceed the legal limits.
With effect from July 7th 2014 a Chain of Responsibility Fee of A$5.10 + GST will be levied for each full import container leaving the terminal by road. This will be charged direct to the Transport Company when booking a VBS slot through 1-Stop for the collection of an import full container.
Where a vehicle is found to be overweight it will be refused exit from the terminal and a Chain of Responsibility Overweight fee of A$100.00 + GST will be levied for each container removed from the vehicle.
The Chain of Responsibility Fees, are currently applicable at DP World – Brisbane and is the first of its type nationally, and this additional surcharge may be extended to other terminals and other states in due course.
All parties in the chain of responsibility (CoR) are required to take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with mass, load restraint, dimension and other obligations. This requires parties to employ a risk management approach to their obligations under CoR legislation by identifying and assessing risks that could lead to non-compliance and then taking steps to eliminate, reduce or manage those risks. In managing these risks we urge our Customers to continually remind their suppliers to pack cargo safely, securely and distribute the weight evenly to ensure compliance of axle group weight requirements at destination.
A detailed explanation of the operation and requirements of the Chain of Responsibility Legislation can be found at the website of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator at
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service Team