Galvanised Steel Coils from India, Malaysia & Vietnam - Statement of Essential Facts and Preliminary Affirmative Determination

Dear Clients,

We wish to draw your attention to the Statement of Essential Facts and Preliminary Affirmative Determination in relation to Galvanised Steel Coils exported from India, Malaysia and Vietnam.

The SEF can be found here

Securities will be imposed from today 1st of June.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should your require further information.

Kinds Regards

SILA Customer Service

Changes to Quarantine Packing Declaration - Prohibited Packaging Statement

To our valued customers,

We would like to remind clients about upcoming changes to Quarantine Packing Declaration as per SILA notice 17/08/16

As per the Industry advice notice 38-2017 the Department of Agriculture requires Packing Declarations to align with the Biosecurity Act 2015. As such the wording ‘Prohibited Packaging material statement’ has now been replaced with ‘unacceptable packaging statement’.

The implementation date is the 16th of June 2017. Consignments can be cleared using ‘consignment specific’ packing declarations with the previous wording if they are dated prior to 16th June 2017.

Annual packing Declarations using the ‘Prohibited Packaging material statement’ will not be accepted for consignments shipped on or after the 16th of June regardless of their expiry date.

As such it is extremely important that Importers using Annual Packing Declarations send the updated templates to their suppliers as soon as possible so the updated declarations can be held on file in readiness for this change, otherwise clearance delays can occur.

King Regards
SILA Customer Service

SILA Credit Note T&C Update

To our valued customers,

Please be advised that the SILA terms & conditions on the website have been updated to reflect current company policy.

In particular please note the addition of the below clause, which came into effect in late 2016.

Credit Notes issued by the company are valid for a maximum period of 12 months from issue date.

Please be guided accordingly and if you have any questions please contact your local Quay representative

King Regards
SILA Customer Service

Current Weather on East Coast

Dear Customers,

We are expecting a significant amount of rain due to a slow-moving front travelling North along the East Coast of Australia. Whilst it is not expected to contain damaging winds, heavy rain is expected. Due to the slowness of the Low-pressure system means that it will deliver that heavy rain over a prolonged period, it is not known at this stage exactly how long this weather system may be around.

We are preparing accordingly however there may be delays caused in loading/unloading to ensure integrity of cargo as well as the possibility of delays in travel times.

SILA staff will keep you up to date with any significant interruptions or load cancellations.

Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service

Industrial Action - Patrick Terminal Port Botany

Dear Clients,

We have received advise that Industrial Action has occurred at Patricks Port Botany overnight which all slots cancelled until 1600hrs today.

Our SILA team will contact clients directly affected by this action.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service

China Merchants & Sinotrans & CSC Update

Dear Valued Clients,

Please see below article regarding strategic reorganisation of China merchants group and SINOTRANS CSC this further enhances the combined strength of China Merchants group and SINOTRANS CSC.

This is a very good outcome for all business units as both China Merchants & Sinotrans & CSC are profitable companies. China Merchants is a much larger organisation than Sinotrans in regards assets and profitability. The two business complement each other, Sinotrans from a logistics & Shipping perspective and China merchants, from a Ports, Banking & Finance, Property perspective.

For general information China Merchants are the major lease holders of Port of Newcastle , owner of Loscam pallets , China Merchant Bank Sydney, Oriental Merchants Australia (ABC Sauces, Nong Shim, Lee Kum Kee, Yeo’s brands just to name a few)

Please do not hesitate to contact your local SILA sales representative or send email to if you require more information.

King Regards
SILA Customer Service

CityLink Toll Increases for Heavy Vehicles

Dear Customers,

Further to the increases made to the Sydney & Melbourne Infrastructure Fee, City Link tolls have increased for heavy vehicles applicable from April 1st 2017 which will additionally affect all transportation charges.

As stated by the Victoria Transport Association, under the capped arrangement, heavy vehicles using CityLink tolls will incur an increase of up to 125% for day and night travel. This will significantly affect toll charges applied to the Monash, Tullamarine, Bolte Bridge / Westgate to the Western Corridor in particular.

Please do not hesitate to contact us further should you wish to discuss.

King Regards

SILA Customer Service

Increase to DP World Infrastructure Surcharge

Dear Customers,

We wish to advise you that DP World have provided notice this morning that they will be deferring the new infrastructure surcharges until 17/04/2017.

Sydney Notice  Melbourne Notice

SILA will continue to monitor and advise if any further updates.

Please do not hesitate to contact us further should you wish to discuss.

Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service

Increase to DP World Infrastructure Surcharge

Dear Customers,

This afternoon, industry has received notification from DP World Australia of a substantial increase in Port Access fees for Sydney and Melbourne, for all containers import and export via road or rail, applicable from April 3 2017. Further increases are expected in Brisbane.

For more detail please refer to the following notices.

Customer notice_DPWA Melbourne Infrastructure Surcharge Notice_Melbourne
Customer notice_DPWA Sydney Infrastructure Surcharge Notice_Sydney

Sydney – previously zero effective:          03/04/2017 $21.16 per container
Melbourne – previously $3.50 effective:    03/04/2017 $32.50 per container

This amount will be invoiced to road carrier via the 1-Stop Booking system & Rail Operator via a separate item on the rail invoice.

Industry has voiced their concerns with industry bodies Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and APSA proposing to formally challenge this surcharge and will be raising the matter with NSW Ports, the Port of Melbourne and relevant Government stakeholders.

SILA will continue to monitor and advise if any further updates.

Please do not hesitate to contact us further should you wish to discuss.

Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service


Dear Valued Clients,

The holiday season is upon us we thank you for your support over past year and hope that you and your family have a great Christmas and festive season. We take this opportunity to advise you of the terms that will apply to container collection and dehire over the upcoming Christmas / New Year period.

Please note these terms will apply from 15th December 2016 to 15th January 2017.

SILA will not be held accountable for detention during this period 15th December 2016 to 15th January 2017 customers will need to have a minimum of 10 free days from date of vessel availability to assist in minimising any detention however customers who purchase under C&F , CFR terms will need to request shippers longer detention free periods as needed.

Customers where SILA manages shipping we will provide 10 free days container detention, however should detention be longer than 10 free days then this will be to customer account.

There are various issues that result in container detention at this time:

• Availability days include weekends and public holidays

• Empty parks require time slot bookings and many only operate business days and limited hours

• Receivers operate limited non-public holidays, limited business hours and in some cases are closed for all public holidays and some non-public holidays during this period

• Receivers operate on Skelton staff and cannot receive as much cargo.

SILA thank you for your support and look forward to a prosperous new year !

Kind Regards

SILA Customer Service