Changes in Department of Agriculture fees
Dear Customers,
As referenced in previous notices, we would like to remind all that the Department of Agriculture (the Department) is implementing rates changes for a number of biosecurity services. The increases will take effect from 1 July 2014.
The Department advises that changes in fees and charges are necessary to return the Department's cost recovery arrangements to a sustainable footing and to ensure continued compliance with the Government's cost recovery guidelines.
Further information: 2014 biosecurity fee review page.
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service Team
SILA is proud to be a member of Project Cargo Network (PCN)an organisation established to provide a networking platform for the worlds top heavy lift and project cargo specialists.
Please view the below link for our SILA project profile.
PCN-Marketing Brochure 2014_Sinotrans(Australia)_v2
For any project related enquiries please contact:
Sinotrans Integrated Logistics Australia
13 / 35 Paringa Road Murarrie Queensland Australia
Tel: +61 7 3908 1690
Fax: +61 7 3390 4502
Thankyou and Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service
Australian Melbourne & Sydney Southbound PSC Adjustment
Australian Melbourne & Sydney Southbound PSC Adjustment
Please be advised that the following port service charge will be applicable for Melbourne & Sydney southbound shipments, effective from vessel ITAL Massima v.001S (CAT Service) & Northern Practise 14005E (CKA Service).
Port Service Charge into Melbourne / Sydney
A$130.00 / 20'ft container
A$260.00 / 40’ft container
Port service charge for Brisbane southbound shipments will remain unchanged.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you & Warm Regards,
Customer Service Team
Heightened surveillance of timber packing materials originating from China
Dear Clients,
The Department of Agriculture has intercepted Asian longhorn beetle, the brown mulberry longhorn beetle and the Japanese sawyer beetle in timber pallets imported from China. These beetles are considered significant pests of living trees. The infested pallets were stamped with the treatment identification code ISPM15 HT and arrived into Australia with supporting documentation which confirmed treatment.
What is happening now?
Businesses that have access to timber pallets or dunnage imported from China are asked to inspect them for signs of insect damage or ineffective treatment. Holes and piles of frass (fine sawdust), large pieces of bark or the presence of mould or fungus are all indicators that the ISPM15 treatment may not have been effective.
Suspect timber packaging should be reported to the Department on: 1800 19 55 43
For more information refer to the Departments industry advice notice 59-2014 - Heightened surveillance of timber packing materials originating from China.
Shanghai 24 Hours Advance Filing Rule
Dear Valued Customers,
“Please see notice as provided by Quay Shipping”
Please be advised that with effect from 10th Jun 2014, Shanghai Customs will implement a 24hr Advance Filing Rule which applies to all cargo being imported into Shanghai port (including cargo transhipping via Shanghai).
This rule requires Ocean Carriers to electronically file cargo information for cargo to be loaded on a vessel intending to enter port in Shanghai 24 hours before departing from origin port of loading (POL). The data transmission rules apply to all containerised cargo to be discharged or transhipped at Shanghai port.
If customs data is not filed within the deadline, cargo cannot be unloaded without the permission to discharge from China Customs.
In order to meet the requirement, Quay Shipping requests that all shippers’ letters of instructions (SLI) to be emailed to our Exports Documentation Team 32 business hours before vessel departs Port of Loading (POL). SLI must include the following information: HS Code (AHECC code), CBM and consignee / & or Notify party contact details.
If you have any questions, please contact your local Quay representatives.
Thank you & Kind Regards,
Customer Service Team
Quay Shipping Australia Pty Ltd
Establishment of a new online payment option
Dear Valued Customer,
SILA is very pleased to announce the establishment of a new online payment option that is available to all customers.
Bank merchant services covering VISA, Mastercard and AMEX are now available through our website, just click the "Online Payment" button in the top right hand corner next to the customer login button. You will need your Account Code, which is displayed in the top right hand corner of your invoice, your invoice number and a valid Debit/Credit card. If you are wishing to pay multiple invoices we just request that you use one invoice number, but email with full remittance details.
There are surcharges to use this facility and they are 1.5% for VISA and Mastercard and 3% for AMEX.
We trust that you will find this service of benefit and if you have any questions or concerns then please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist.
Kind Regards
Michele Hart
Financial Controller
Notification re Patricks East Swanson Dock
Dear Valued Client,
As you may be aware, there are currently major issues with Patricks East Swanson Dock.
Early on Monday morning, a straddle carrier tipped over putting the operator in Hospital. The Terminal was closed immediately for reasons of safety, and since has been intermittently closed and re-opening or operating with reduced labour.
This has caused massive congestion, that has led to many slots being cancelled - or not honoured. Last night we had delays in the order of 4-5 hours, which have continued on to day shift today.
It appears this has now lead to an industrial disputation, we have been advised the Patricks empty depot - Coode Park is now closed.
We would encourage you, if your containers are affected, to please contact your shipping line and ask for receival or delivery dates to be extended.
We are doing all we can to cover the workload, including running a extra shift early am on Friday (Anzac Day), in order to try to clear the backlog.
Should you require any further information regarding the issues at the Wharf or Coode Park, please contact your SILA Customer Service Representative.
Kind Regards
SILA Customer Service
Update on the performance of Hutchison / SICTL Terminal
Dear Valued Clients,
As you would be aware Hutchison terminal has been operational for some months now in Sydney mainly servicing smaller island vessels.
Recently (1st Week) of April Hutchinson Terminal started receiving more significant vessels with typical container exchanges >1000 which is normal for the main Asian and Northern American services that come to Sydney.
Unfortunately their start up with the larger vessels has not been good. Currently Hutchison do not have a rail line in service*, Rail operations are not expected to be operational in Hutchison until June 2014.
All containers tagged for rail need to be trucked from Hutchison terminal to rail terminal single truck turnarounds at Hutchison have been as bad as 7 hours per trip in the last couple of weeks.
With the above situation in mind we would strongly recommend that you take up with your shipping lines that you are concerned with the current Hutchison performance and that you will be seeking extended free time on all units ex Hutchison port until further notice.
FYI – SILA will not consider any container detention associated with containers discharged from this terminal until further notice.
We are continuing to seek ways to improve the current situation on a daily basis, however Hutchison need to improve dramatically for the industry to be able to treat this terminal in the same light as DPW or Patrick.
SILA Customer Service
Sydney Port Service Charge Adjustment
Dear Valued Customer,
Please be advised that following a review of operating costs and current market level, Sinotrans Container Lines wishes to advice customers that effective from 1st.March.2014, our Sydney Import & Export Port Service Charge (PSC) will be adjusted and implemented as follows:
Sydney Import Port Service Charge
- AUD 120 per 20’ container
- AUD 240 per 40’ container
The above Import Port Service Charge will be applicable from vessel: Kota Layang v.036S, arriving Sydney 20th.Mar.2014.
Sydney Export Port Service Charge
- AUD 109 per 20’ container
- AUD 218 per 40’ container
The above Export Port Service Charge will be applicable from vessel: YM Busan v.040N, departing Sydney 7th.Mar.2014.
Please be guided accordingly and if you have any questions, please contact your local SILA representatives.
Yours sincerely,
Customer Service Team
Side Loader Fee Introduced by DP World & Patricks
Dear Valued Clients,
Please be advised that DP World and Patricks have introduced a Side Loader Fee, per truck, per visit to the Botany Terminal and their intention is to recover this fee from the road carriers (Truck Operators).
Like most road Carriers, Sinotrans Integrated Logistics is not in a position to absorb this fee and as such it will be passed on directly to our clients in correlation with DP World and Patricks commencement dates. Please note this fee is passed on at cost.
The Side Loader Fees to be charged, excluding GST, are as follows:
- Patricks - $35.00 per vehicle, per visit - 'DOWNLOAD PDF'
- DP World - $54.00 per vehicle, per visit 'DOWNLOAD PDF'
Sinotrans Integrated Logistics would like to advise that from 1st June 2013, Load On and Load Off (LOLO) charges will be applicable to all containers being transferred from or to a Side Loader at Port Botany Terminal.